November 13, 2012

Reaction to Anderson's article

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Re: Reaction to Anderson's article
by BT10110039 DEPHNIE FUNG SIEW CHEAN - Tuesday, 13 November 2012, 11:41 PM

I agree with Anderson. It is called 'Traditional' by the way, therefore changes are needed to improve things. Living in a modern era, the assessment method has got to have a slight change from the previous one. Students can't no longer just sit and listen to teacher's lectures and in the end of the class, teacher will give test to see how far they have understood. It is time for students to actually participate in their learning process, which means less focus on the teacher. Instead of giving the information to students, it is much wiser to let them experience it themselves in exploring their own ideas. As apposed by Anderson "Learning from this
perspective is understood as a self-regulated process of resolving inner cognitive
conflicts that often become apparent through concrete experience, collaborative
discourse, and reflection” she believes that by letting students to take charge of their own learning, they will have a better understanding and it will become a concrete experience for them. Teacher's role are more to assist them if they encounter any problems. 

Thoughts on Youtube Video watched.

Video watched : Comprehensive Assessment : An Overview

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Re: Thoughts on Youtube video watched
by BT10110039 DEPHNIE FUNG SIEW CHEAN - Tuesday, 18 September 2012, 06:55 PM

I believe that different student has different types of abilities and ways of learning. Therefore, focusing on examination as a tool to measure of how far they have understood for certain subjects is kinda lame and old-fashioned. Not saying that it is useless, however it is not that suitable anymore since we are in the 21st century. Exam-oriented is traditional and educators do need better tools to measure the level of student's achievement and knowledge. 
Performance-based assessment is more likely to show more of what students can do rather than just memorizing. It encourage more of cooperation and skills on determining the quality of products that they will produce. 
Independent study project also helps in certain way as it allows student to choose their own cool project that they have much interested in yet it is still fit in the syllabus. Exams is unable to identify much of what the performance based assessment can do. It only test of what the teacher wish to test on rather than seeing the whole process of assessing and assisting them. There's not much of evidence  to prove if  students really understood what they have learnt or not. It is more likely 'teach to test' kind of assessment. Definitely no longer works well in today's world. 

Anderson's Article. 3 things you liked about the article.

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Re: Your feedback on Anderson's article
by BT10110039 DEPHNIE FUNG SIEW CHEAN - Tuesday, 13 November 2012, 11:28 PM

First is the need to shift from traditional to alternative assessment. We're living in a modern world, so the need of shifting is definitely needed in order to cope with students need. 

Second, the streaming. I agreed that it is culturally biased to place students based on their weaknesses but still giving them the same test in the end of the day. A shift is needed in terms of strategies of teaching these kids simply because they have different learning styles and need.

Last but not least, I agreed that students will learn better through active participation and having opportunities to explore ideas rather than being spoon fed by the teacher.  

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